I know I know. It is kind of obvious what we had while we were there but I can explain......... It is a deep fried burrito!!
Friend in town. Decided that we should hit up some Mexican food. I had heard that the food here was good so trying it was a must. Just north of Eglinton on Yonge.
We started with some beers. Solid, decent selection but a little bit pricey.
Now the food was good in an overall grade but I would like a little better quality on the nachos. There were a few too many items on there but not great tasting items. They were
a little bland.
Oddly enough the mains were not bland. The chimichanga was fantastic. it had just the right amount of sauce and you could mix in the firm parts in perfect sequence. A little kick added exactly why you need and you are on your way to Mexico.
Eat Well and check it out!!